Thursday, August 26, 2010

Healthiest meat in Australia!

If someone asked me what was the healthiest meat that I could get in Australia a few years ago, I would have said 'Organic Chicken'. Or 'Organic Lamb'. Or something like that. But back then, Kangaroo meat was something out of a trivia night.
All Kangaroo meat (to my knowledge, at least) is organic. As far as I know, Kangaroos used in the meat industry are all wild. They do not have any antibiotics or hormones applied by the humans to boost their growth. For a simple reason - there's no need for it. 
The more I know this meat, the more confused I get. Why isn't this the most popular meat out there? This is by far the healthiest meat available to mankind. It has no man-infused chemicals in it. It is the only source of a fat that is highly beneficial to humans (according to the CSIRO). It has huge quantities of iron it in. It tastes awesome! Then why? Why isn't it the most consumed meat in Australia? Even the hippies I see flocking the organic op-shops hardly ever go for organic Kangaroo meat. And contrary to the common belief, they do eat meat.
I have tried a few different recipes with Kangaroo meat. I like all of them. Actually, that's an understatement. I love all of them. Chilli Kangaroo stir-fry is awesome and a personal favourite. Kanga steaks on mash. Kanga curry. There's a lot you can do with this versatile meat.
The best part is that I don't have worry about all the chemicals, antibiotics and hormones that are a part of the meat industry in the west. I dont have to worry about getting some kind of cancer later on in my life. Human organs are not made to handle unnatural chemicals that we find in most meats and other food products today. It's all as simple as that.

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