Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bad food addiction

Just like most nations in the west, Australians are addicted to bad food. Every night I see fast food joints, pizzerias and other take-away businesses getting flooded by people. More is good. The more you get, the better you feel. Years down the line, just when you're starting to wind down, relax and enjoy life, you get diagnosed with ..... 
I keep repeating to all my friends, eat healthy. That kebab you had last night - do you know what was in it? Was it chemical-free? The body is not supposed to handle all that crap that is being put in our food products. It ends up reacting to it in ways that lead to a very uncomfortable life and a sad end.
Not trying to scare you! Just trying to emphasise the need to eat good food. Try to eat fresh or organic whenever possible.
Pick one thing that you eat on a daily basis. For most people (and myself), it is ice cream after dinner. Try not eating it for a week. I promise you, you'll struggle the first couple of days. Just like smokers do when they try to quit. Try it.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Importance of Low-carb diets

Low-carb diets are important for us to live a happy and prosperous life. This is the probably the simplest way of describing the hype around the low-carb, low GI push in recent times. What we eat affects and in some ways, controls the way we feel, act and in most cases, look. It's real simple. The more junk food we eat, the more unwanted fats/carbs we inject into our bodies. It is possible to lose/control weight just by eating the right foods. In simple words, we need to eat more low-carb foods such as vegetables (Broccoli, Pumpkin, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Asparagus, Brussel Sprouts etc) and less high-carb, high-fat foods such as white bread, pizza, fizzy drinks, sweet cordials, deep fried meats and deep fried anything.
Nothing comes close to home-cooked fresh food. At Monal we make sure all meals are cooked from fresh produce wherever possible. It's important, we want you to look, feel and live better.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Gramp's Shiraz by Orlando Wines

As we all know, 2006 was the best vintage in the Barossa in recent years. Most of the wine to have come out of that region in 06 was stunning in all aspects. Red wine vintage was particularly good. 2006 Gramp's shiraz is one of the best wines to have come out of that vintage.
Perfect from start to finish. Open a bottle and see it grow from an infant to full-bodied Barossan beauty. It takes a life of its own. Perfect with a lamb dish or on its own.

Alcohol: 14%

Croque Monsieur

Classic French Bistro dish. We add a couple of poached eggs to it which, in France would qualify for a Croque Madame but we decided to keep it simple. We're doing it with Brie, slightly more expensive but worth it! Bread done with a bit of mustard and butter, loaded with Béchamel. Bliss.

Grilled chicken with Béchamel & caramelised apples

Béchamel sauce is rightly known as the Mother of all sauces in France. The French are right!
Lightly grilled chicken breast, coated in extra-virgin olive oil and herbs is one of the healthiest and tastiest grills you can get your hands on. Dollops of freshly made Béchamel on the top and a side of caramelised apples seals the deal.